Sunday, January 31, 2010


We four were coming in the rain. We saw a dying butterfly on the pavement.. We went. That butterfly also had beautiful wings, eyes and may be family and children-with dreams on their wings.
     This rainy weather .......Blowing wind............ terminated everything. Nobody cried.
 "I need you alive.Come with fluttering wings" .Butterfly said "My life was short but sweet , and any way all has to go from this cradle, you cannot live long , accept death , the reality , life has been provided with time and bounds, go home , we will meet near our creator in the hereafter".Butterfly closed its eyes forever. I was weeping like a child. Next day I could not find it there.

1 comment:

  1. പുതിയ അറിവിന്‌ നന്ദി
